Saturday, November 7, 2009

sneak peek: NEW MOON

We got to attend a sneak peek screening of the latest movie in the Twilight series, New Moon!   We won't spoil the story for you although chances are you probably already know it.  All we will say is that there are a lot of gorgeous boys who walk around without shirts, which we didn't mind at all, and the werewolf scenes and effects are fantastic!

What we will dish on is the fashion!  Again it is important to note that there are a lot of shirtless boys in the film so there isn't that much for us girls to talk about... or at least talk about in the area of fashion.  But here is what we did see:

BELLA - Earthy Casual

True to the books and to the first film, Bella is her usual akward but beautiful self.  She is definitely a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.  In this film she sported a very earthly color palette of jeans, tennis shoes, long sleeve shirts and a lot of great hooded jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts. 

To get Bella's earthly casual style for less we suggest jackets by Rails, Mike & Chris and Zovo and long sleeve tops by Farron Elizabeth, KJ Clothing and TT Collection.

ALICE - Layered Chic
Alice was all about the layers!  True to the character in the book, the Alice in this film was dressed to the nines.  She wore lots of layers, often with a monochromatic theme.  Her outfits were full of details and very well accessorized.  Definitely the most fun to look at from a fashion perspective!  Here are a couple of Alice's looks that you can get right now on

To get Alice's layered chic look we suggest jackets by Rails and Mike & Chris, tops by Rails and sweaters by Purp7e.

JANE - Innocently Evil
We only got a small introduction to Jane and her evil ways at the very end of the film but her understated fashion made an impression!  She has the whole innocent school girl thing happening but we know it's just a cover:

To get this deceptively innocent look we suggest the Lizzie Parker Hooded Cape, the Doie Gramercy Dress and finish it of with the Marcello Toshi Mary-Yane shoe.

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