Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Have you always wanted to wear a really long necklace but think you're not tall enough or are just plain intimidated? Don't be! A long necklace can take an outfit from basic to fabulous, so why should you miss out? Here are a few tips on how to make a long necklace work:

DO: wear it with something that is fairly simple down the front
DON'T: wear it with something that has a lot of detail on or around the neck

DO: wear it with something that is longer than the length of the necklace, like a dress or a long top that goes to the hips.
DON'T: wear it with a short top that ends before the length of the necklace.

DO: wear it with something that is flowy or fitted but without a defined waistline
DON'T: wear it with something that has a defined waistline or that goes in at the natural waist.

Right now on Bad Joan there are some great long necklaces by Lisa K, the Lace Cake Necklace in Pearl or Purple and the Soho Chic Necklace. Try these necklaces combined with any one of the following items for a fantastic look...



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